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Your Search for New Items returned 14 Items

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Search Results
Result Thumbnail Title Author Year Flags Holding Information
1 Economist [Journal]   1843 Journal Orders Exist for Catalogue Record 31097 Shelf Location: Blue room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 16.
2 Internazionale: ogni settimana il meglio dei giornali di tutto il mondo [Journal]   1993 Journal Orders Exist for Catalogue Record 232 Shelf Location: Blue room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 742.
3 Matematica, Cultura e Società : Rivista dell'Unione Matematica Italiana [Journal]   2016 Journal Orders Exist for Catalogue Record 31233 Shelf Location: Blue room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 23.
4 New scientist [Journal]   1971 Journal Orders Exist for Catalogue Record 404 Shelf Location: Red room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 957.
5 PC Professionale: guida indipendente al personal computing [Journal]   1991 Journal Orders Exist for Catalogue Record 433 Shelf Location: ITCS offices.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 3.
6 Prima comunicazione [Journal]   1976 Journal Orders Exist for Catalogue Record 472 Shelf Location: Blue room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 164.
7 Scientific American [Journal]   1845 Journal Orders Exist for Catalogue Record 528 Shelf Location: Red Room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 174.
8 TLS : Times literary supplement [Journal]   1969 Journal Orders Exist for Catalogue Record 30042 Shelf Location: Blue room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 2.
9 The Freedom of Words: Abstractness and the Power of Language The Freedom of Words: Abstractness and the Power of Language [Monograph ] Borghi, Anna M. 2023 Monograph Shelf Location: 401.9 BOR.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 1.
10 Turing: pioneer of the information age Turing: pioneer of the information age [Monograph ] Copeland, Jack B. 2014 Monograph Shelf Location: 51(092) COP.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 1.
11 Le Scienze [Journal] Ippolito, Felice 1968 Journal Orders Exist for Catalogue Record 531 Shelf Location: Blue room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 240.
12 Philosophy of open science Philosophy of open science [Monograph ] Leonelli, Sabina 2023 Monograph URL Exists Catalogue Record Shelf Location: 501 LEO.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 1.
13 Edoardo Weiss: the house that Freud built Edoardo Weiss: the house that Freud built [Monograph ] Roazen, Paul 2025 Monograph Shelf Location: 150 ROA.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 1.
14 The essential Turing: seminal writings in computing, logic, philosophy, artificial intelligence, and artificial life, plus the secrets of Enigma The essential Turing: seminal writings in computing, logic, philosophy, artificial intelligence, and artificial life, plus the secrets of Enigma [Monograph ] Turing, Alan 2014 Monograph Shelf Location: 510 COP.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 1.
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