1 |
Advances in bifurcation and degradation in geomaterials: proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials [Monograph ]
2011 |
Shelf Location: 620.1 ADV.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 1.
2 |
American Journal of Mathematics [Journal]
1880 |
Shelf Location: Library room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 68.
3 |
Annals of Mathematics [Journal]
1884 |
Shelf Location: Library room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 78.
4 |
Biblioteche oggi: rivista bimestrale di informazione, ricerca e dibattito [Journal]
1983 |
Shelf Location: Library office.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 12.
5 |
Genes and Development [Journal]
1987 |
Shelf Location: Library room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 173.
6 |
L'Indice dei libri del mese [Journal]
1984 |
Shelf Location: Blue room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 1.
7 |
New scientist [Journal]
1971 |
Shelf Location: Red room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 937.
8 |
The New York Review of Books [Journal]
1963 |
Shelf Location: Blue room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 14.
9 |
The New Yorker [Journal]
1925 |
Shelf Location: Blue room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 542.
10 |
PC Professionale: guida indipendente al personal computing [Journal]
1991 |
Shelf Location: ITCS offices.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 9.
11 |
Scientific American [Journal]
1845 |
Shelf Location: Red Room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 170.
12 |
TLS : Times literary supplement [Journal]
1969 |
Shelf Location: Blue room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 37.
13 |
TuttoNormel : guida all'applicazione delle norme nel settore elettrico [Journal]
1987 |
Shelf Location: Administration offices.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 7.
14 |
Europhysics news: bulletin of the European Physical Society [Journal]
European Physical Society
1968 |
Shelf Location: Blue room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 44.
15 |
Le Scienze [Journal]
Ippolito, Felice
1968 |
Shelf Location: Blue room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 237.
16 |
Nuovo saggiatore: bollettino della Societa' Italiana di Fisica [Journal]
Società Italiana di Fisica
1985 |
Shelf Location: Blue room.
Collections: General.
Number of Holdings: 46.